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HYDROWICK Drainage is the only drainage system that can be pulled into the green at narrow three foot spacing for more efficient drainage. Layering occurs when a sandy root zone overlies a finer textured native soil, which is typical after years of topdressing. Layering is common in putting green soils. In these push-up greens the interface is often too close to the surface, resulting in “wet soil” problems for the turf. Even in USGA greens, excess water tends to perch where the sandy root zone interfaces the gravel layer. This perched water is held at a slight suction, so it is unable to enter conventional drainage systems. The HYDROWICK Drainage system works in two ways, gravity and  capillary action. HYDROWICK elements are placed at the bottom of a narrow sand curtain, which gives water trapped at the soil interface an exit.


"Greens drained with HYDROWICK and back in play in under 24hrs. 

Simple, quick, clean and effective drainage”


Stuart Langhorn

Beaconsfield Golf Club


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